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How well are your team?
With many teams furloughed or working remotely, a lack of personal contact with a team leader can make difficulties harder for leaders to spot. How can you be sure that your employees are coping?
How to avoid communication breakdown
When communication breaks down the culture of the organisation can take a hit. Everyone has it within them to become a more effective communicator. It’s up to leaders and managers to lead by example.
Communicate with intent to understand
You can learn a lot from listening to others, but when you choose to listen with intent to understand you will learn at a much deeper level – about your team and your organisation.
The attributes of an effective communicator
Whether interacting one-to-one, with a small group or a large audience, understanding what makes communication effective will build your confidence. Great leaders aren’t born effective communicators, though it is a skill you can learn and develop.
One thing leaders need to do to deliver amazing results
A great leader supports their team and learns at every opportunity. Learn how to take ownership of your goal and how to communicate effectively to drive it forward within your organisation.
How to communicate a message effectively
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you communicate desired outcomes to your team but you’re not 100% sure if that message has landed?