The Springboard Charity and Springboard UK Ltd

Driving Organisational Growth through Consistent, Strategic Leadership

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“Sally is so knowledgeable about the hospitality sector and genuinely understands the challenges we face. Our team has the utmost respect for her and Springboard is grateful for all the work she’s done with us. She has a lightness of approach and a natural sense of humour and intuition. She has the ability to keep everyone engaged - even online - and brings those on the outside of the group in, ensuring everyone has an opportunity to contribute.


People stood in a hotel lobby
  • Senior leadership team owns the people strategy and business plan, showing greater understanding and teamwork.

  • Leadership consistent from the top.

  • Improved communication - teams more engaged and supported.

  • Improved mental health and wellbeing with leaders feeling less stressed and finding more enjoyment in their work.

  • Leaders understand and embrace change and feel better equipped to manage their teams through it.

  • Internal team development - coaching clients able to move forward in their roles.

We achieved so much in one day focusing on our strategy and vision. A group of confused and concerned individuals entered the room, and an aligned, focused and positive team left it. Zest for Life’s training succeeded in bringing our UK leaders together on the same page.” 

Kelly Johnstone, Lead Operations Director

The Icing on the Cake

In 2020, as a result of her sustained and significant contribution to Springboard over many years, our Director, Sally Prescott, was invited to become a Patron of the Charity.


Amba Hotel Charing Cross