Accessible, affordable, achievable leadership development

Accessible affordable achievable leadership development

Accessible, affordable and achievable. These three words are the inspiration behind a project I’ve been working on for most of this year. The project is to create online versions of our Exceptional development programmes, the first of which I’m excited to say is coming soon! 

In my last blog I talked about my ambition to adapt and make Zest for Life’s leadership development programme available to small businesses. In reality the ambition is much bigger than this. I want to make Exceptional Leadership Makes Sense and Exceptional Service Makes Sense available to every leader, every people manager and every customer facing colleague in every corner of the world, starting with the UK.

Our leadership development programme supports and drives leaders to inspire their team to deliver exceptional service. It is designed to instil an infectious zest for life in everyone that completes it, and they pass this on to their team giving everyone a genuine love of what they do.    

Our customer service development programmes help teams to create an exceptional and memorable customer experience, boost customer satisfaction and improve business results. They also show leaders how to lead their teams effectively to deliver exceptional experience.

Finding the right resource to support you

As a leader it’s so important to me that the way I lead and deliver for my business is aligned to my values. Integrity is one of our Zest for Life values, which means we do as we say and strive to keep our promises. This means identifying when change is needed and taking the right steps to make change happen. IT is not my area of expertise, so when it came to developing these new online versions of our development programmes I knew I needed to enlist help.

For me, one of the biggest challenges has been exploring the options and familiarising myself with the IT software and systems on the market. I’m not a technical person so I knew I needed an expert who could guide, support and help me to develop a solution that will deliver the required results.

Luckily I already knew a trusted friend and colleague who fitted the bill. Her support and guidance has made the whole process of identifying the right software and building the online course easy and achievable. She’s held my hand to take small steps and actions to achieve my goals. She coordinated everything herself and brought in other people’s expertise where it was needed.

I chose to be led by a true expert in her field and the whole journey has been a remarkable, fabulous and inspirational experience. As a result, our first Zest for Life online development programme is almost ready. Look out for Exceptional Service Makes Sense launching online soon!

What our online development courses will look like

The new accessible, affordable and achievable online courses will be available via our website. We’ve designed the content as bite-sized sessions that you can complete in your own time, at your own pace. The course will be accompanied by a downloadable workbook to support your learning and record all the activities you complete. By using the workbook you’ll be able to implement your learning and develop your personal effectiveness as a leader straight away.

If you would like to be kept in the loop and be one of the first to know when our online programmes launch, sign up to our Zesty Bites newsletter at the bottom of this page. You can also follow the latest updates on our socials.

Future plans for our leadership development programmes

Sharing our exceptional development programmes more widely means investigating other ways and means of reaching leaders - and we’re not stopping at the online version! Developing an accessible online course with one-to-one support is one option I’m investigating. Offering open local courses is another. Please keep an eye out for more details on our blog and socials. 

An exceptional development experience

The whole experience of creating the online course has been exceptional from start to finish. That’s all down to being supported by an exceptional leader. Exceptional leaders deliver outstanding results and create a feel good factor along the way. How often have you enjoyed an experience like this in your career?


Why is great customer service so scarce?


Leadership development for small businesses